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Group News


Ashley Moran wins 1st place (ORAL) at SRW meeting.

Nick Shuber wins 1st place (ORAL) at SRW meeting.

Maddie Smotzer wins Aggie Innovation Research Award at SRW meeting.

Maddie Smotzer awarded PLU travel award.

Megan Aardema awarded PLU travel award.

Megan Aardema awarded JEMS Scholarship for Collaborative Research travel award.

Megan Aardema awarded the Leadership in Promotion of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Respect (ACS recognition).


Megan Aardema wins 1st place (ORAL) at SRW meeting.

Nick Shuber wins 1st place (ORAL) at SRW meeting.

Maddie Smotzer wins 1st place (ORAL) at SRW meeting.

Naa-Kwarley Quartey awarded Texas Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship.

Zachary Buen awarded Ph.D.


Nick Shuber finalist in 3-Minute Thesis Competition

Naa-Kwarley Quartey awarded Dr. Dionel Avilés ’53 and Dr. James Johnson ’67 Fellowship

Carolyn Gunthardt awarded Dow Graduate Scholarship

Carolyn Gunthardt receives Intelligence Community Postodoctoral Fellowship at U. Michigan.

Carolyn Gunthardt awarded Phil Gramm Graduate Fellowship

Carolyn Gunthardt awarded Ph.D.


Carolyn Gunthardt awarded Thomas J. Hariston Graduate Scholarship

Josh Winner awarded Ph.D.

Colin Wallace awarded Ph.D.


Carolyn Gunthardt awarded JEMS Scholarship for Collaborative Research

Carolyn Gunthardt awarded Darensbourg Travel Award

Collin Wallace awarded Martell Travel Award

Colin Wallace awarded OGAPS Travel Award

Josh Winner awarded Martell Travel Award

Josh Winner awarded OGAPS Travel Award

Megan Aardema awarded AFS Merit Fellowship


Wei Wei awarded Ph.D.

Niclas West awarded Jack Lunsford Award in Physical Chemistry

Wilmarie Marrero Ortiz awarded Buck Weirus Spirit Award

Niclas west Wins 1st Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Zachary Buen Wins 2nd Place (Poster) at SRW Meeting

Madison McIlvoy Wins 2nd Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting


Niclas West awarded JEMS Scholarship for Collaborative Research

Michelle Warter awarded Ph.D.

Feng Pan awarded M.S.

Carolyn Gunthardt awarded FYP Teaching Award

Wei Wei awarded A. E. Martell Travel Grant


Wei Wei awarded AFS Graduate Student Presentation Grant


Niclas West awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) Honorable Mention

Niclas West Wins 2nd Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting


Niclas West awarded Graduate Merit Fellowship

Niclas West awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) Honorable Mention

Wilmarie Marrero Ortiz awarded Graduate Diversity Fellowship

Wilmarie Marrero Ortiz awarded NSF LSAMP Fellowship

Wilmarie Marrero Ortiz awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) Graduate Fellowship


Collaboration with Aerospace Engineering featured on KBTX News

Michael Grubb awarded AFS Excellence in Research Award

The ClO+ manuscript feature on the cover of Chemical Physics

Our NO3 discussed in C&E News and Science perspective

Our work on NO3 published in Science!

Michael Grubb awarded Departmental Dow Award

Michael Grubb awarded Departmental Teaching Award

Rodrigo Sanchez-Gonzalez awarded Ph.D.

Michael Grubb awarded Ph.D.


Michelle Warter Wins 1st Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Daniel Freeman Wins 1st Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Michael Grubb awarded Bruno J. Zwolinski Award in Physical Chemistry

Kurt Johnson Wins 2nd Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Justine Geidosch awarded Ph.D.


Andrea Hsu featured in the Sandia Report on University Partnerships Research featured on Spectra Physics Literature

Rodrigo Sanchez-Gonzalez awarded an AFS Graduate Student Research and Presentation Grant

Justine Geidosch awarded a Corera Travel Award

Justine Giedosch wins AMS Presentation Award (90th Annual Meeting in Georgia)

Justine Geidosch Wins 2nd Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Do Young Kim Wins 2nd Place (Poster) at SRW Meeting

Rodrigo Sanchez-Gonzalez Wins 2nd Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Michelle Warter Wins 1st Place (Poster) at SRW Meeting

Buddhadeb Ghosh awarded Ph.D.


Buddhadeb Ghosh Wins 2nd Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Jacob Dean awarded the Hypercube Scholar Award

Jennifer Wallace awarded Department of Chemistry Achievement Award

Jacob Dean Wins 1st Place (Poster) at SRW Meeting

Michael Grubb Wins 1st Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Andrea Hsu Wins 1st Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Kristin Dooley Wins 2nd Place (Oral) at SRW Meeting

Justine Geidosch Wins 1st Place (Poster) at SRW Meeting

Kristin Dooley awarded Ph.D.

Andrea Hsu awarded Ph.D.

Kate Perkins awarded Ph.D


Kristin Dooley awarded Senator Phil Gramm Doctoral Fellowship

Kate Perkins awarded NSF GK-12 Fellowship

Rodrigo Sanchez-Gonzalez awarded a CONACYT Fellowship


Kristin Dooley awarded NSF GK-12 Fellowship

Kate Perkins receives IUCCP Outstanding Poster Presentation Award

Andrea Hsu receives IUCCP Outstanding Oral Presentation Award

Erin Tullos (Greenwald) awarded Ph.D


Erin Greenwald awarded NSF GK-12 Fellowship

Andrea Hsu awarded Sandia Laboratory Directed Research and Development Fellowship

Andrea Hsu receives IUCCP Outstanding Poster Presentation Award

Laura Ruebush awarded M.S.


Erin Greenwald awarded Eli Lilly Travel Award

Erin Greenwald receives IUCCP Outstanding Oral Presentation Award

Jiho Park awarded University Distinguished Graduate Student Doctoral Research Award, 2005

Jiho Park awarded Camile and Henry Dreyfus Postdoctoral Scholarship

Hahkjoon Kim awarded Martin Corera Travel Award

Erin Greenwald awarded A. E. Martell Travel Award

The Big Laboratory move


Erin Greenwald awarded IUCCP Outstanding Oral Presentation

Erin Greenwald awarded ACS Women Chemists Committee Travel Award

Jiho Park awarded Martin Corera Travel Award

Hahkjoon Kim awarded Bruno J. Zwolinski Award in Physical Chemistry

Andrea Hsu awarded Regents Fellowship

Kristin Dooley awarded Regents Fellowship

Jiho Park awarded Ph.D.


Erin Greenwald awarded A. E. Martell Travel Award
Jiho Park awarded Bruno J. Zwolinski Award in Physical Chemistry
W. Sean McGivern awarded University Distinguished Graduate Student Doctoral Research Award
Marc Wilson awarded the Celanese Excellence in Chemistry Award
Peng Zou awarded Ph.D


W. Sean McGivern awarded National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship (NIST), 2002

Erin Greenwald awarded National Science Foundation (NSF) Honorable Mention

Marc Wilson awarded Department of Chemistry Achievement Award

Joseph Stephens awarded Second Place, Undergraduate Research Symposium at Rice University, Quantum Institute

W. Sean McGivern awarded Ph.D.


W. Sean McGivern awarded A. E. Martell Travel Award

Marc Wilson awarded First Place at the 14th Annual Baylor University Student Affiliates Undergraduate Research Symposium

Marc Wilson awarded Department of Chemistry Achievement Award




W. Sean McGivern awarded Bruno J. Zwolinski Award in

Physical Chemistry


New Laboratory Move In: day 1

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